Travelling and SVG Developers...

After my trip away, I'm now back in the UK, still homeless and wandering around all the time, London to Southwest England is back to being a weekly activity - if only Exeter airport had some sensible flights to places, it might things a bit easier - I think I need to find a place to live - anyone know any cheap places near an airport with good cheap connections to London ? It seems that SVG has a real problem at the moment - the lack of developers who know anything compared to the amount of positions, especially if combined with another tech. For example, there's a mobile phone company in West London wanting an SVG Developer to work on a mobile TV contract involving java and SVG, it's on Jobserve, although they're also hitting up people directly. There are quite a lot of good SVG people about, but all the ones I know, which is a fair few, are busy on other projects. It's a shame that a shortage of developers can knock a good technical solution - it's the same reason why so many houses are microsoft houses or similar, simply because you know you can find a replacement. SVG would be a little scary technology for me to pin a project too right now - will there really be the developers around, come on people, come learn - also if you're looking for SVG work, or even are just a great JS DOM knower and are looking - why not drop me a mail.
